The decision between an Oven, Toaster, and Grill (OTG) and a Microwave is a common dilemma faced by home cooks and kitchen enthusiasts. Both appliances serve distinct purposes, and the choice depends on your cooking preferences and requirements. In this guide, we explore which is better OTG or microwave for your needs and why. Whether you're into baking, grilling, or reheating, the OTG and Microwave offer unique features. Join us as we dissect the functionalities, advantages, and limitations of each appliance, providing insights to guide you towards a well-informed purchase decision.

Understanding Which is Better OTG or Microwave Technology

What is OTG Oven?

The OTG oven, which stands for Oven, Toaster, and Griller, is a versatile kitchen appliance designed to cater to a variety of cooking needs. Unlike traditional ovens, OTG ovens are compact and typically have top and bottom heating elements, allowing for precise temperature control. The technology behind OTG ovens involves electric heating elements that generate heat, both from the top and bottom, to create a uniform cooking environment. This makes them suitable for baking, toasting, grilling, and roasting. OTG ovens often come with multiple cooking modes and temperature settings, providing users with the flexibility to prepare a wide range of dishes.

Explore more about OTG Oven Full Form

What is a Microwave?

A microwave oven, commonly known as a microwave, is a kitchen appliance that revolutionized the cooking landscape with its quick and efficient heating capabilities. The technology behind a microwave involves electromagnetic waves, specifically microwaves, which cause water molecules in food to vibrate, generating heat. Unlike conventional ovens that rely on convection or radiant heat, microwaves cook food from the inside out, allowing for rapid and even heating. Microwave ovens are known for their convenience, enabling users to defrost, cook, or reheat meals in a fraction of the time required by traditional methods. With programmable settings and various power levels, microwaves offer versatility in cooking, making them a staple in kitchens worldwide for their time-saving and energy-efficient technology.

Exploring Which is Better OTG or Microwave: The Difference





Combination of oven, toaster, and grill features

Great for reheating, defrosting, quick cooking


Takes longer to heat

Not as versatile in cooking methods


Baking, toasting, grilling, rotisserie

Defrost, reheating, preset cooking programs


More cost-effective

Higher initial cost


Requires regular cleaning

Less cleaning required


Consistent heating, great for precise cooking

Quick and efficient heating


Perfect for professional baking

Excellent for everyday cooking

Good for

Bakeries, cafes, home bakers

Homes, offices

Deciphering Which is Best OTG or Microwave: Overview of Pros and Cons

OTG Oven Pros

  • Better for baking and roasting as it provides a crispier texture and browned crust.
  • It has a grill option, which is great for cooking meat, vegetables, and cheese.
  • It can be used for toasting bread, which is excellent for breakfast.

Get the best OTGs with all the pros from the Agaro Store

OTG Oven Cons

  • It is not as versatile as a Microwave oven as it cannot be used for defrosting, reheating, or cooking dishes requiring less browning.
  • It takes longer to cook and preheat, which can be time-consuming.

Explore more about OTG Oven Full Form

Microwave Pros

  • Quick and efficient for reheating food and defrosting frozen food.
  • It can be used for cooking a wide range of dishes, including rice, pasta, and vegetables.
  • Energy-efficient and saves time on cooking.

Microwave Cons

  • It cannot be used for baking or roasting as it does not provide a crispy texture or browned crust.
  • Not suitable for cooking dishes that require browning or crisping.

There are pros and cons of both OTG and Microwave ovens. The answer to this question: which is better OTG or microwave, can depend on the perception of a user.

How To Choose Which is Best OTG or Microwave For Your Kitchen Needs?

Choosing which is better OTG or microwave for your kitchen depends on your specific cooking needs and preferences. Here are key factors to consider:

Cooking Functions:

OTG: Ideal for baking, grilling, and toasting. Suitable for those who enjoy baking cakes, cookies, and casseroles.

Microwave: Excels in quick reheating, defrosting, and cooking. Perfect for those with a busy lifestyle who prioritize speed and convenience.


OTG: Offers versatility for baking and grilling enthusiasts. Suitable for those who enjoy experimenting with a variety of cooking techniques.

Microwave: Versatile in terms of reheating and cooking diverse dishes quickly. Great for individuals with a fast-paced lifestyle.

Space and Size:

OTG: Generally compact, making it suitable for kitchens with limited space. Perfect for small families or individuals.

Microwave: Compact to larger sizes available. Ideal for families or those who prioritize reheating and quick cooking.

Ease of Use:

OTG: Typically straightforward with manual controls. Suited for those who enjoy hands-on cooking and precise temperature control.

Microwave: User-friendly with pre-programmed settings. Great for individuals who prefer convenience and simplicity.

Energy Efficiency:

OTG: Generally more energy-efficient for longer cooking times, such as baking. Suitable for those conscious of energy consumption.

Microwave: Quick cooking times contribute to energy efficiency. Ideal for those seeking speed and efficiency in their cooking.

Budget Considerations:

OTG: Often more budget-friendly initially. Ideal for cost-conscious individuals.

Microwave: Varies in price, with more advanced models being pricier. Suitable for those willing to invest in advanced features.

In conclusion, selecting which is best OTG or microwave depends on your cooking style, available space, and lifestyle preferences. If you enjoy baking and grilling and have the time for more intricate cooking processes, an OTG may be the right choice. On the other hand, if speed, convenience, and versatility in reheating and cooking are priorities, a microwave might better suit your kitchen needs.

3 Best OTG Ovens in the Market


AGARO Marvel OTG - 19L

Agaro Grand OTG - 30L

AGARO Royal OTG Oven 60L


- Roast, Bake, Grill, Toast, and more

- 5 Heating Modes

- Motorised rotisserie with forks

- Illuminated chamber

- Automatic Thermostat, Auto Shut Off, Ready Bell

- 6 Heating Modes: Top, Bottom, Top & Bottom, Top with Rotisserie, Top Convection, Top and Bottom Convection

- Motorised rotisserie with forks

- 1-year warranty

- Adjustable temperature (90°C to 230°C)

- Capacity: 30 liters

- Automatic Thermostat, Auto Shut Off, Ready Bell

- Heat-resistant tempered glass window with illuminated chamber

- Roast, Bake, Grill, Toast, and more

- Motorised rotisserie with forks

- Convection technology

- Adjustable temperature

- Timer up to 90 minutes

- Auto Shut Off, Ready Bell


- "Versatile Culinary Maestro"

- Motorised rotisserie for skewering

- Illuminated chamber for monitoring

- Multiple heating modes

- Diverse heating modes

- Motorised rotisserie for spit-roasting

- 1-year warranty

- "Regal Roasting Royalty"

- Convection technology for uniform heating

- Large capacity

- Timer for precision cooking


- Limited Discount

- Relatively smaller capacity (30L)

- Requires ample kitchen space


RS. 3,999

Rs. 6,499

RS. 15,999

Discount Percentage




Discounted Price

RS. 3,916

Rs. 6,190

RS. 11,879





Agaro offers the best OTG ovens in India at affordable prices. You can easily check and buy its products from the official website.


Conclusion: Which is Better OTG or Microwave?

In conclusion, when choosing which is best OTG or microwave, it is crucial to consider your cooking needs, budget, space, size of your kitchen, and energy efficiency. If you love baking and grilling, have a larger kitchen, and don't mind the longer cooking time, an OTG would be a better option. However, if you want a more versatile appliance that can reheat and cook food quickly, and are concerned about energy efficiency, then a Microwave oven would be the best choice. Ultimately, it is up to your personal preference and lifestyle. However, standing out amidst the choices, Agaro OTG ovens emerge as the indisputable frontrunners, offering a seamless blend of advanced features, durability, and budget-friendly pricing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the microwave oven OTG price compare when choosing between the two appliances?

The price of microwave ovens and OTG (Oven Toaster Griller) can vary widely depending on the brand, size, and features. Generally, OTG ovens might be more budget-friendly compared to some microwave ovens, especially when considering advanced models with multiple functionalities.

What factors influence the microwave oven OTG price?

The price of a microwave oven or an OTG is influenced by several factors such as brand reputation, size, cooking capabilities, and additional features like digital controls or convection options. Typically, more advanced features and larger sizes contribute to a higher price.

Which is better OTG or microwave?

Whether an OTG or a microwave is better depends on your cooking needs. OTGs are ideal for baking, grilling, and toasting, offering precise temperature control. Microwaves are best for reheating, quick cooking, and defrosting.

Which OTG is best for home use?

AGARO OTG ovens are highly recommended for home use. They offer a balance of functionality, efficiency, and affordability. With features suitable for baking, grilling, and toasting, AGARO OTGs cater to various culinary needs.

What is the typical microwave OTG price range for home use?

The price of a microwave OTG varies based on factors like brand, capacity, and features. Generally, prices can range from moderately affordable to higher-end, depending on the sophistication of the technology and additional functionalities offered.

What options are available for a microwave oven OTG price?

For those looking for a micro oven at a low price, there are several options available that offer basic functionalities like reheating and simple cooking processes. While these models may not have advanced features like convection or grill, they are suitable for essential tasks and are budget-friendly.

How can I choose the best microwave oven OTG price?

When choosing the best microwave oven OTG price, consider factors like size, power rating, and essential features. Look for models that offer reliability and efficiency without unnecessary extras to keep costs down.

What is the range of oven price in Amazon?

The price range for ovens on Amazon can vary widely depending on the type, brand, and features. From basic models to advanced ones with multiple functionalities, prices can range from moderately economical to premium. It's important to compare different models and read reviews to find an oven that fits your needs and budget.

What are the advantages of buying a microwave oven online?

Purchasing a microwave oven online offers the convenience of comparing different models and brands easily. Online platforms often provide detailed specifications, user reviews, and sometimes better pricing or deals compared to in-store purchases.

How do I choose the right microwave oven online for my needs?

When choosing a microwave oven online, consider your cooking needs, the oven's size, power output, and special features like convection or grill functions. It's also advisable to read customer reviews and check ratings to gauge performance and reliability.

Which microwave brand is best?

Among the top contenders, AGARO and Sunflame microwave oven are considered some of the best brands for microwave ovens. They are known for offering a balance of quality, functionality, and affordability. AGARO and Sunflame microwave ovens come with various features suitable for different cooking needs, ensuring reliability and ease of use.

What is an OTG oven?

An OTG (oven-toaster-griller) is a traditional oven that offers three cooking modes - baking, grilling, and toasting. It is suitable for baking or grilling dishes, such as cakes, cookies, grilled vegetables, and meat. Explore more about OTG Oven Full Form.

What is a Microwave oven?

A Microwave oven uses electromagnetic waves to heat and cook food. It is best suited for reheating, defrosting, and cooking dishes that do not require browning or crisping.

Which is better OTG or Microwave oven?

It depends on your cooking needs and preferences. If you love baking and grilling, have a larger kitchen, and don't mind the longer cooking time, an OTG would be a better option. However, if you want a more versatile appliance that can reheat and cook food quickly, and are concerned about energy efficiency, then a Microwave oven would be the best choice.

What are the pros of an OTG oven?

An OTG oven is better for baking and roasting, provides a crispier texture and browned crust, has a grill option that's great for cooking meat and vegetables, and can be used for toasting bread, which is excellent for breakfast.

What are the cons of a Microwave oven?

A Microwave oven cannot be used for baking or roasting as it does not provide a crispy texture or browned crust. It is also not suitable for cooking dishes that require browning or crisping.

Which is better microwave or oven, for quick cooking and reheating?

When considering quick cooking and reheating, microwaves generally have the upper hand. They heat food faster than ovens, making them ideal for reheating leftovers or cooking ready-to-eat meals.

Which is better microwave or oven, for baking and roasting?

For baking and roasting, ovens, particularly OTGs (Oven Toaster Grillers), are more suitable. They provide even heat distribution necessary for baking cakes, cookies, and roasting meats, which microwaves cannot replicate.